Hyperboreus. Volumen XXV (2019). Fasciculus 1

R. Mayhew: Achilles’ Inconsistency in Aristotle’s Lost Homeric Problems: a Fresh Look at Four bT-scholia of the Iliad (pp. 5–26)

C. M. Lucarini, M. Scermino: Il ruolo di Posidonio e della dossografi a per la datazione del Περὶ κόσμου e i rapporti con l’Elogium geographiae. II (pp. 27–55)

S. Settis: Comparanda: Il Papiro di Artemidoro e i suoi apparati grafi ci (pp. 56–94)

D. Chistov: Investigations on Berezan Island in 2014–2018 (Hermitage Museum Archaeological Expedition) (pp. 97–106)

N. Novoselova: ‘The House of Archelaos’: Archaeological Investigations of the State Hermitage Expedition in Quarter XX of the Tauric Chersonesos in 2014–2018 (pp. 107–117)

O. Sharov: Archaeological Research of the Late Scythian Site of Frontovoye 2 in 2018 (pp. 118–125)

A. Kattsova: Investigation of the Ancient Settlement of Kytaion in 2015–2018: Archaeological Expedition of the State Hermitage Museum (pp. 126–132)

V. Khrshanovskiy: Investigations of Necropoleis of Kytaion in 2014–2018 (pp. 133–142)

O. Sokolova: The Nymphaion Expedition of the State Hermitage Museum (2014–2018) (pp. 143–154)

A. Eremeeva: Investigations at the Site of the Necropolis of the Acient Town of Nymphaion (pp. 155–160)

A. Butyagin: Investigations of the Myrmekion Expedition in 2014–2018 (pp. 161–169)

O. Sharov: Investigations of the Coastal Part of Ilyich-1 Settlement in 2015–2016 (pp. 170–177)

S. Kashaev: Excavations of the Taman Detachment of the Bosporan Expedition of IHMC RAS in 2014–2018 (pp.178–186)

Yu. A. Vinogradov: Investigations of the Rurial Sanctuary at the Settlement of Artyushchenko-1 (Bugazskoe) on the Taman Peninsula in 2015–2018 (pp. 187–193)

V. Goroncharovskiy, M. Vakhtina, S. Kashaev: Excavations of Gorgippia and its Necropolis in 2012 and 2016 (pp. 194–204)